Spring 2022 Boston Mentor Training

Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester of Strong Women, Strong Girls! While we hoped to join together in person for this year’s training events, the spread of the Omicron variant has led us to switch back to the virtual format. 

Training will occur in a conference-style format with sessions from 9am – 12:30pm on Saturday, January 29th. Depending on your role this semester, your start time will vary. If you are a chapter director or a site leader, you will have additional training in February. 

Your attendance and proof of attendance is required to serve as a member of SWSG. If you are unable to attend training live on January 29th, all sessions will be available to view on Monday, January 31st. You will still complete a survey and attendance form by Sunday, February 6th, at 11:59 p.m.

So, what do you need to do? 

  • Complete the registration form 
  • Review and follow the session schedule 
  • Complete survey and proof of attendance
  • Complete other requirements



Both new and returning chapter members must fill out a registration form so that the SWSG office and your chapter leadership can track your participation and communicate with you effectively. Please fill out the registration form in its entirety and carefully review the policies and procedures documents associated with your role. 


New mentors will be asked to upload materials for your clearances during registration. If you don’t have them yet, you can upload them later. 

Boston CORI Instructions




Time Session Description Zoom Link Youtube Link (MAKEUP TRAINING ONLY)
9-10 a.m. SWSG 101 (New Mentors) Welcome to SWSG! Learn about our history and the basics of being an effective mentor.  Click to Join Part 1
10-10:15 a.m. Welcome Kick off the semester with a message from Natalie Martinez, the CEO of Strong Women, Strong Girls, who will share important updates about the organization. Click to Join (same link as above) Part 1
10:15-11a.m. Youth Development Panel A panel of active site facilitators will answer questions from the group and discuss the impacts of the pandemic on our mentees’ social development. Click to Join (same link as above) Part 1
11-11:15a.m. Break
11:15-12:30 p.m. DBIE Session This DBIE (Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion, and Equity) session will include a history of the Boston-area public school systems, and provide context on how structural inequities affect the communities we serve Click to Join Part 2


Site Leader Training


After completing all required training sessions, complete the associated survey and proof of attendance form. 

Session Survey/Proof of Attendance Form
SWSG 101 (New Mentors) Click Here
Youth Development Panel  Click Here
DBIE Click Here



Mandated Reporter Training

We strongly encourage all mentors to complete Mandated Reporter Training and submit their certificate to Strong Women, Strong Girls via their program manager. ALL Site Leaders must complete Mandated Reporter Training and submit their certificate to Strong Women, Strong Girls via their program manager. Follow these instructions to complete Massachusetts Mandated Reporter Training. 

Program Managers can be reached here:

Alyssa – agold@swsg.org

Toiell – twashington@swsg.org 


Policies & Procedures

While completing your registration form, you are asked to review the policies and procedures associated with your role in Strong Women, Strong Girls. You can review them in greater detail below: 

College Chapter Policies and Code of Conduct

Chapter Director Policies
Executive Board Policies

Site Leader Policies and Procedures


Review SWSG’s COVID-19 Policy 

As our mentoring program begins to conduct in-person activities, we strive to set clear expectations and guidelines with the best interest of our program participants in mind. Please carefully review Strong Women, Strong Girls’ COVID Policy for the 21-22 year. Please also review our Chapter Covid Guidelines for information about how to approach COVID cases within your chapter.