Participating in the Mentor2Mentor (M2M) program was a last minute decision. Preoccupied with the madness of life, I had forgotten to complete my application and had plans overlapping the required meeting. However, after speaking with fellow mentors who had previously participated in the M2M program, I knew I had to finish the application and change my plans. What truly sold me was one friend who raved about the benefits, explaining she had even obtained a summer internship through her mentor. I quickly filled out the application, canceled my plans, and made it to the meeting.
This was a wonderful decision! Shortly after this meeting, I was matched with Sue, a bubbly, self-made woman with whom I instantly clicked. We briefly discussed my goals and her availability, and decided to meet to discuss my possible majors and career options. After meeting only three times to date, I have decided to follow through with creating a self-designed major in Duquesne’s liberal arts college. Furthermore, Sue encouraged me to reach out to a feminist professor in the law school to discuss my future goals. I truly could not and would not have considered and followed through with this meeting without my mentor; she helped me plan all aspects of the meeting, from creating a professional demeanor to finding an appropriate outfit.
The M2M program really allows Strong Women Strong Girls to make a full circle, creating a powerful chain of strong women and girls. Though it was a split second decision, participating in the M2M program has really helped me to grow and develop as a student, future lawyer, and strong woman.
Mentor2Mentor Program: Creating a full circle
Article written by: Boston Team