Each month, SWSG Boston Program Manager, Rachel Spekman, is blogging about “The Power of Exercise” in her own life and in the lives of strong women and girls.
As the holidays draw very near, it’s easier to talk about and read what not to eat rather than where and how to exercise. I found a million websites with tips for eating healthy this holiday season (and a holiday eating IQ quiz from Marie Claire that I admit I took…) However, when I started digging around for holiday exercise tips, the first hit I found was from 2007. So, how should we start to embody the power of exercise as we venture into 2012? Here are just a few exercise inspirational thoughts:
During the last week of SWSG programming, I went to several schools to learn about why exercise makes them strong. Here, 5th grader Nevaeh Langford talks about her desire to become an anti-obesity scientist when she grows up:

Immediately after hearing Neveah, two other girls jumped up about how much they “love jumping jacks” and, voila, here they are jump-jacking away:

Girls were so excited about mountain climbing exercises that they joined together as a group to motivate one another!
As we motivate ourselves to go to the gym and exercise in the new year, think about these girls and the FUN they bring to exercise! What will you do in 2012 to make exercise exciting?!?