As the SFL AmeriCorps Program Fellow, my fellowship will be coming to a close at the end of this month. I am feeling a lot of different emotions, however mainly I am excited to take all that I have learned and apply it to what comes next. I am happy to share that in the following weeks I will be continuing my education to get my Master’s Degree. In addition, the big news really is that I have accepted a new position with another wonderful non-profit organization. With this move of mine from one female empowering organization to the next, I feel deeply committed to expanding on the collaboration between local service providing organizations here in Miami. SWSG has paved the way for what I feel is the start to a wonderful career for me.
My time working with SWSG has been such a special period of my life, one that I will never forget! In the past eight months, I have met some incredibly inspiring women–and you better believe they are strong!! I am very appreciative to have worked alongside the SWSG team for an amazing cause. What an excellent staff SWSG has, I recognize that I owe much of my growth and success to them! I cannot begin to give enough thanks to the SWSG family. I truly believe choosing to serve as the AmeriCorps Program Fellow for the South Florida office was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Strong Women, Strong Girls has had an incredible impact on my life. My time with SWSG has not only developed my professional and leadership skills, it has also allowed me to explore my passion for community building. My favorite saying for a long time has been, “think globally, act locally” and that is exactly what I have been able to do through my role with the organization. My background in Conflict Resolution was utilized was used on a daily basis and as I was able to create a training for our college women mentors on the subject. I was able to form extraordinary relationships that I know will last for years to come. I had the opportunity to engage elementary school girls who provided me with daily reminders on how intelligent and inspiring children are. After moving to Miami only one year ago, I was able to form a female community that I know I can always turn to in good times or bad. The list could go on and on, but ultimately my service has been a true testament to my belief that positive change can happen, I’ve seen it with my own eyes here at SWSG.
Even though I only have a few weeks left, I know I will always be involved in some way, shape or form with SWSG. This organization will continue to do some amazing things, as it does I’ll be right here watching and cheering it on. I am excited to see the South Florida office really take off this coming year. I have nothing but great things to say about my experience and the organization as a whole. I knew coming into my fellowship I was a strong girl, however as I exit, now I truly feel like a strong woman!
Moving On with a Strong Foundation!
Article written by: Boston Team