There is possibly nothing cuter in the world than 50 girls simultaneously reaching out trying to pet the animals on an IMAX screen 50 feet away. But really.
This past Saturday, the Northeastern chapter hosted its first Spring field trip, bringing our girls to watch a documentary, “Born to be Wild 3D,” about the rehabilitation of orphan orangutans and elephants at the New England Aquarium Simons IMAX Theatre. The movie profiled two women who created centers to care for animals whose mothers have been poached in the wild.
Birute Galdikas dedicates her life to serving as an advocate for the Bornean orangutan and the preservation of the rainforests that are its natural habitat. Daphne Sheldrick rehabiitates orphaned elephants and prepares them to be re-released into the wild. These two inspirational women strive to preserve the dignity of endangered animals who are faced with the very real threats of poachers and environmental degradation.
Besides giving exceptional examples of strong females, the film showcased beautiful far off places, the rainforests of Borneo and the Kenyan savannah, to captivate the girls’ imaginations. Overall, the day was a phenomenal success and another opportunity for the girls to bond both with each other and the mentors.
Orangutans, Elephants and T-Adventures, Oh My!
Article written by: Boston Team