From felt sheets to clay, each week in Strong Women, Strong Girls, the college women mentors and their girls use a variety supplies while participating in hands-on learning activities. By actively engaging girls in learning through their five senses and creating tangible end products, learning is contextualized and made more impactful. Help keep Strong Women, Strong Girls’ program free for partner sites, parents and girls. Donate to the Strong Women, Strong Girls curriculum supply drive today!
Natixis Global Associates is generously hosting a supply drive to help Strong Women, Strong Girls kick off the school year! As a part of the drive, WB Mason will match 10% of all supplies purchased through their site and donated to Strong Women, Strong Girls, 1 Milk Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02109.
Hurry! This incredible match opportunity only lasts until September 15th! All donated supplies will be an integral part to the fun and educational 2011-12 Countdown to Success Skills Curriculum.
For example, your donation of felt sheets will help girls from low-income backgrounds discover their unique talents and abilities. In the Unique Talents and Abilities skill lesson, the girls learn about the United States Women’s National Soccer Team. They learn that by combining their many unique talents and abilities, the US Soccer Team has become one of the most competitive soccer teams in the world. During the activity time, the girls use felt sheets to design a miniature flag to highlight their own unique talents and abilities. They then affix their individual flags together to form one united Strong Women, Strong Girls flag that represents their collective strength as a group!
Or you could donate craft sticks, clay, and paper clips for the girls to use in practicing being strong competitors. In the Strong Competitor skill lesson, the girls learn about Shree Bose. Shree was the Grand Prize winner at the Google Science Fair. To win, Shree had to be a strong competitor by following the rules, experimenting, and learning from her successes and mistakes. In this activity, the girls practice being strong competitors. They compete to build the tallest tower using basic supplies. To be successful, they have to follow the rules, experiment and be resourceful, just like Shree!
For more ideas, check out the complete Supply Wish List.
Donations should be mailed to:
Strong Women, Strong Girls
1 Milk Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA 02109
Thank you for ensuring girls have the supplies they need for an engaging and impactful year!