We are writing to recognize and honor the enormous contributions of Strong Women, Strong Girls’ out-going President, Haviva Kohl. While she has prepared the organization well for a new leadership structure and focus, it doesn’t mean that she won’t be missed!
Since March of 2013, Haviva has led the organization to focus on its mission, consolidate its operations and streamline its service delivery model. After celebrating Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG) Boston’s 10th anniversary in August, we announced our renewed commitment to focusing on our existing communities in Pittsburgh and Boston. Instead of losing focus, Haviva pushed for the strengthening of the core purpose “pioneering, path-breaking, and dedicated to eliminating the ambition gap.”
The future looks bright for SWSG – we are poised to make a huge difference in the communities we serve and now have the structure to allow us to have broader ambitions for our work. Haviva’s leadership and contributions are a significant factor in this bright outlook.
Thank you for all of your contributions, Haviva! We wish you the very best and expect you to continue to do amazing work.
Best wishes,
Louise Herrle, Beth Marcello, Amy Allen & Tracy Fagan
SWSG Executive Board
Thank you to Haviva Kohl for her leadership & vision
Article written by: Boston Team