The Daily GOOD is a source of inspiration, a shining example of the untapped creativity all around us. These e-mails, courtesy of GOOD, provide a daily dose of hope that with enough ingenuity, we can overcome today’s problems. I personally enjoy the Daily GOOD because it spreads awareness of issues and solutions that would otherwise go unnoticed.
I recently read of Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa’s innovative idea to use the natural wealth of oil under Ecuador’s Yasuni National Park as inspiration for fundraising to save the rainforest above it. The President suggested that if half of the value of the oil, $7.2 billion, was raised, Ecuador would act to preserve the rainforest and neglect the oil. Correa’s proposal succeeded.
The case of the Ecuadorian rainforest serves as an example of how ingenuity can provide solutions that are not only original, but also engage the global community. When the stakes are as high as the health of our people and our earth, it is crucial that we have creative thinkers to discover these methods.
The real challenge arises in finding ways to engage everyday folks like you and me. Although typical models of civic engagement have been successful, I think innovation is absolutely necessary to catch the public’s eye. Correa’s success serves as an invitation to us, not only to get involved in saving the rainforests, but to think outside the box to create lasting change. I encourage you to subscribe to the The Daily GOOD for a dose of inspiration and then share: do you have any innovative ideas to create change?