Last semester, I had the amazing opportunity to work at the Strong Women, Strong Girls headquarters in Boston. As the Development and Communications Intern, I used skills similar to those that we teach our girls, such as Good Communication and Critical Thinking. I experienced firsthand that the lessons learned in SWSG are applicable not only in the classroom, but in the boardroom and beyond.
I have been a mentor with SWSG since my freshman year at Tufts University. The young women in my chapter are amazing leaders, and the elementary school girls that I mentor have become an important part of my undergraduate experience. An internship at headquarters gave me the chance to get involved at a national level. I worked with the Development and Communications Associate on fundraising and research, and learned more about how non-profits grow and sustain their work. I had the opportunity to learn more about what the Executive Director and Program Managers do to keep operations running smoothly. My favorite part of my internship was learning who serves on our national and local Boards of Directors. I am inspired by the professional men and women who devote their time to this organization.
The most significant learning I took away from my time at SWSG was the importance of having a passion for what you do. The women with whom I worked are committed to the mission of SWSG and truly enjoy coming to work everyday. I know that when I start the job search after graduation, I want to work for a company or organization that I can throw my whole heart into and love every minute of the challenges and successes ahead of me.
Eleanor Hofstedt is a Senior at Tufts University majoring in History and French. She is currently a Marketing Assistant at Argopoint LLC, and serves on the Executive Board of SWSG at Tufts.