The National Board of Directors for Strong Women, Strong Girls is seeking applications for a Student Board Member to serve a one-year term beginning September 1, 2013. Our Current Student Board Member, Charlotte Steppling (Duquesne University), shares with us her experience on the National Board.
Click here to view the application. All applications are due to Meghan Trombly at by Friday, March 1.
Are you interested in gaining experience within the inner workings of Strong Women Strong Girls? If you are interested in becoming even more involved in SWSG you may consider applying for a Student Board Member position! Student Board Members are strongly encouraged to provide their insight, ideas, and energy. The Board members believe strongly that our young college women are a valuable resource in terms of energy and creativity and can provide an important link from the Universities to the Board.
As full voting members of the Board of Directors of SWSG, the Student Board Members share responsibility for the following functions:
- Represent the ownership and the diversity of the membership from a student perspective.
- Give insight about their experiences and the program development.
- Develop governing policies that concern board decisions and processes.
- Communicate directly with their committee.
- Emphasize strategic leadership, a future orientation, and pro-activity.
As a student Board member, I am able to help set the vision, policies, and strategic direction for SWSG. Throughout the first couple weeks, I had already seen enhancements in my professional skills, and I am currently gaining knowledge on the inner workings of the non-profit world. Through bi-weekly meetings, I am able to engage with other Board members, suggest ideas, and become, in essence, a liaison between mentors and the Board.
Specifically, I am part of the Development Committee, which oversees the process of raising funds and securing resources to fulfill our mission! Serving as a Student Board Member has enhanced my knowledge about non-profits and aided me to define my potential career goals. Since serving, I have been exposed to a realm of experienced professionals and I have been able to interact with them through the various projects. Not only has the past two years of being a Student Board member been a great overall experience it has also provided me with a great skill set for my future.